Our goal is to empower people who want to bring true usability to their devices, people who aren’t afraid to express themselves through technology.
Sileo is a fast, beautiful, powerful and efficient APT Package Manager designed for jailbroken devices running iOS 12 and up with focus on being up to date and most importantly reliable.

What is Sileo?
Sileo is a modern package manager, built using Swift, designed to be fast, reliable and sleek. You can use it in conjuction with APT repos to install packages, free or paid, to your jailbroken iOS device.
Sileo is made with love, not just in California, but by people from all over the world.
What jailbreaks come with Sileo?
Taurine, Odyssey, Odysseyra1n and Chimera come with Sileo preinstalled!
Is Sileo open source?
Sileo is fully open source. Details on how you can contribute to the Sileo project can be found in the readme!
Can I use Sileo with checkra1n or unc0ver?
Yes, you can! Add repo.getsileo.app to your sources!